Yoga - Ask Yogi Marlon

.Article of the Month

Learn the ancient ayurvedic practice of abhyanga
As in any traditional study, numerous branches have developed. That can make choosing a teacher confusing, so I'd like to help.

  1. Try several different teachers right off the bat, to give you a broad overview of what yoga can be.
  2. Figure out what you personally want to get out of yoga. See list of benefits for some of the possibilities, then see whose teaching makes you feel that way.
  3. Be tolerant of various teaching styles. The thing you resist is often just what you need.
  4. Make sure your teacher is teaching you breathing, breathing, breathing! If they are not, you are just doing exercise that looks like yoga. Let me be very clear: USE OF THE BREATH IS THE ESSENTIAL KEY TO ALL ASPECTS OF YOGA.
  5. Do not be tolerant of teachers who:
  • push you to the point of pain. ( But "be comfortable with your uncomfortableness". That's the point of physical and emotional release)
  • verbally or physically abuse you in any way
  • require that you be part of any group or social clique that feels "cultish" in any way
  • require that you change anything in your life that you do not want to. That includes being a vegetarian, leaving a relationship partner, etc. These may be good ideas, but they should never be requirements. Do everything at your own pace.
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