Yoga - Ask Yogi Marlon

.Article of the Month


Learn the ancient ayurvedic practice of abhyanga
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
(Upward Facing Dog)

Asana Upward Facing Dog

Lie on your stomach and place your hands flat, fingers spread wide, directly under your shoulders. Deepen and lengthen your breath. On an inhale press the hands into the ground firmly. Roll the shoulders up, back and down and engage your shoulder blades down and in toward the spine. As you hold the shoulders down and in, lift the chest away from the ground. Keep the gluts completely relaxed. Continue lifting from the core as you push your heart as far in front of your arms as you can. Tops of your thighs lift the legs away from the ground. Sink the spine deeper into the core, without compressing into the lower vertebrae. Allow the crown of the head to float toward the ceiling. If it is comfortable for your neck raise the chin. Breathe.....

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