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Learn the ancient ayurvedic practice of abhyanga
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Adho Mukha Svanasana
(Downward Facing Dog)
I recommend to my students who say some days they haven't
enough time for a full yoga practice to find time
to do this one pose for 5 minutes a day. It is one
of the most fundamental poses of Hatha yoga, working
many systems of the body. It is strengthening, limbering,
rejuvenating and more.
- Begin
in cat posture, on hands and knees, with the knees
hip distance apart directly under the knees. Similarly,
place the hands directly under the shoulders; shoulder
width apart, with the fingers spread wide, middle
finger facing front. Now move the hands one hand-length
in front of directly under the shoulder. Curl the
toes into the ground.
- Inhale
slowly. While exhaling slowly raise the hips high
into the air, straightening the legs, and pressing
the heels toward the ground. The feet remain parallel
with the toes facing straightforward.
- Simultaneously,
press the torso away from the hands and shoulders,
and flatten the back. Allow the head to hang heavy,
continuing to breathe slowly and deeply. (see Ujjayi
- A few finer points:
- space between the shoulders blades sinks
- the arms and legs spiral inwards
- create space in the shoulder joint by extending it
down toward the hand and up toward the hips
- at full extension, it feels as if the toes can lift
off the floor
- the
bottom knuckle of the index fingers, in particular,
press into the ground
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